Hebrew, the Holy Tongue (Language) of Creation!

Ecclesiasticus (Apocrypha)The Prologue of the Wisdom of Jesus the son of SirachFor the same things uttered in Hebrew, and translated into another tongue, have not the same FORCE in them; and not only these things, but the Law itself, and the Prophets, and the rest of the Books, have no small difference, when they are spoken in their own language. The Hebrew language is a Holy language and the language of creation; the words spoken in it becomes Powerful because it has more Power (Force) in them!

Hebrew: The Eternal Language by William Chomsky - Hebrew—the Mother of Languages, pg. 18 - There was, indeed, a time when Jews as well as Christians believed that all the languages of mankind derived from Hebrew, the language spoken by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. This Holy Language is used by our Heavenly Family since the beginning and hasn’t changed from its organic state. The Hebrew is the Holy Language of creation and will be the language in the Kingdom of Heaven!!!

Hebrew: The Eternal Language by William Chomsky Hebrew—the Mother of Languages, pg. 34 - It is maintained by some archaeologists that the civilization of Canaan before the arrival of Abram was clearly Semitic, even Hebraic; that is, introduced there by the descendants of Eber, of whom the Abramides were a branch. The author points out what the scripture has stated that Abraham (Abram) is a descendant of Eber (Ibar), one of the sons of Shem. The Hebrew language has been passed down to the descendants of Eber including Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The descendants of Shem are Shemites which makes them Shemetic!

Genesis 10:21 Unto Shem also, the father of all the children of Eber, the brother of Japheth the elder, even to him were children born. The Hebrew is derived from the word Eber. The word Hebrew is a miss pronunciation of the name Eber. Also, the word Ibar is the ancient Hebrew name for Eber (#H5677).

2nd Edras (Apocrypha) 14:1-6Vs.1. And it came to pass upon the third day, I sat under an oak, and, behold, there came a voice out of a bush over against me, and said, Esdras, Esdras. 2. And I said, Here am I, Lord And I stood up upon my feet. 3. Then said He unto me, In the bush I did manifestly reveal Myself unto Moses, and talked with him, when My people served in Egypt: 4. And I sent him and led My people out of Egypt, and brought him up to the mount of where I held him by Me a long season, 5. And told him many wondrous things, and shewed him the secrets of the times, and the end; and commanded him, saying, 6. These words shalt thou declare, and these shalt thou hide. We went into this scripture to show the validity of the Book of Jubilees; not only was Moses given the five Books of the Law (Torah), he was also given the Book of Jubilees and Jubilees means Times and Seasons.

Ancient Book of Jubilees 12:24-27 – Vs.24. And I shall be a GOD to thee and thy son, and to thy son’s son, and to all thy seed: fear not, from henceforth and unto all generations of the earth I am thy GOD. 25. And the Lord GOD said: “Open his mouth and his ears that he may hear and speak with his mouth, with the language which hath been revealed”; for it had ceased from the mouths of all the children of men from the day of the overthrow (of Babel). 26. And I opened his mouth, and his ears and his lips, and I began to speak with him in Hebrew in the tongue of creation. 27. And he took the books of his fathers, and these were written in Hebrew and he transcribed them, and he began from henceforth to study them, and I made known to him that which he could not (understand), and he studied them during the six rainy months. The Most HIGH has blessed Abraham with the Holy Hebrew language as He intends to bless Abraham’s seed (children) after him. Abraham had passed down this language to his household (Ishmael, Isaac, and his other sons), then Isaac passed it down to his household (Esau & Jacob), and then Jacob passed it down to his household (12 sons & a daughter)!

The Dead Sea Scroll Uncovered pg. 253. Do not exchange your Holy Spirit for any Riches, because no price is worth [your soul.] Willingly seek the face of Him who has authority over your storehouse, and in His own tongue [speak with Him.] In that way will you find satisfaction. This scripture tells us how important it is to speak to the HOLY Father in the Holy Hebrew tongue; His language of creation which is spoken in the heavenly realm!!!

Acts (KJV) 26:14-15 Vs. 14. And when we were all fallen to the earth, I heard a voice speaking unto me, and saying in the Hebrew tongue, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. 15. And I said, Who art thou, Lord? And He said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest. The Savior (Ha-Yashai) had chastised Saul and was speaking to him in the Hebrew Language (Tongue)! Because at that time, Saul was persecuting the church prior to his calling as Paul the Apostle!!! Saul is a descendant of the Tribe of Benjamin, one of the sons of Jacob, and so this language was passed down to him by way of Abraham. Moreover, Christ Yashai was in the Heavens when He was speaking to Saul which confirms that this Holy Language is used by our Heavenly Family.

1st Corinthians (KJV) 13:1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, … Apostle Paul is pointing out that he spoke the same Holy Language as the angels above!

Zephaniah 3:9 – For then will I turn to the people a Pure Language, that they may all call upon the Name of the LORD, to serve Him with one consent. The Most HIGH AHHAYAH is telling us that He will give the children of Israel this Holy Language once again!!!