Our Mission Statement

Shalawam Mashapachaah (Peace Family),

A very Big Welcome to the official site of Our Holy Redeemer Ministries (OHR Ministries)! All the Eternal Praise, Honor, and Glory to the HOLY Father, AHHAYAH AHSHAR AHHAYAH (I AM THAT I AM) for gathering His Saints together in the Name of His Beloved Son YASHAI (SAVIOR)!!! A Very Big Thank You and Respect to YASHAI for His Love & Obedience to the HOLY Father by which He became our Living Sacrifice and our Example; and of course, another Very Big Thank You and Respect to the QADASH RAWACH (The HOLY SPIRIT/WISDOM/The COMFORTER) for being our Guide back to the HOLY Father and having the Testimony of YASHAI (SAVIOR)!!! Much LOVE, HONOR, and GLORY to the HOLY GODHEAD Family (Ancient Hebrew Transliteration: Kal AHAB wa-KABAD la-ha-QADASH AHLAHAYAM Mashapachaah)!!!

Our site has been designed to teach the Truth and to Edify our Brothers and Sisters who are Hebrew Israelites, and to be a light to the Gentiles. As our GOD AHHAYAH (I AM) has stated in Isaiah 49:5-6, “to bring Jacob again to Him,” and to be “a light to the Gentiles”, so we must obey His Command. Our ministry is about teaching the Righteousness (Laws) of GOD because we believe in Him, His Word, His Anointed Son, and His Holy Spirit. We are His servants and as His servants, we Must share the TRUTH of the Gospel of the Living GOD which His Son Christ Savior had taught while He walked the earth with His disciples (servants/followers). We strive daily to be His Humble, Obedient, and Faithful servants; so, wherever we are His work must be done. We also know that His Anointed Son Yashai (Savior) will soon return to Rule, so we’ll continue to do the Work and Endure until our Holy Redeemer arrives!!!

On this site, you’ll find several teaching tools including our Video Lessons, Weekly Archived Sabbath Lessons, Free Downloadable Holy 364 Day Calendar, and Personal Testimonials. We also have additional teaching tools such as Suggested Books, PDFs and the e-Sword as well as Music on social mediums like YouTube, SoundCloud, Tik Tok, and Instagram. Feel free to explore our site as well as become a member for updates and alerts.

(Please email us your testimonies at ourholyredeemer144@gmail.com)

Peace and Health be unto you all!!!