Sabbath Day Lessons:
These Sabbath Lessons are study tools to help sharpen and strengthen the soul. All Praises to the Most HIGH AHHAYAH for His Words; they are Pure & True!!!
2021 Sabbath Lesson Links:
01.02.21 1200PM Sabbath Class_Forgiveness!
01.09.21 1200PM Sabbath Class_The Most HIGH AHHAYAH (I AM)!
01.16.21 1130AM Sabbath Class_The Wilderness and the Examination of its Location!
01.23.21 1200PM Sabbath Class_The Validity of the Holy Bible!
01.30.21 1200PM Sabbath Class_How to Read the Holy Bible
02.06.21 1100AM Sabbath Class_To Distinguish Between GOD and Christ!
2020 Sabbath Lesson Links:
10.03.20 1200PM Sabbath Class_Forgiveness!
10.10.20 1200PM Sabbath Class_The Importance of Our Awakening!
10.17.20 1100AM Sabbath Class_Mt. Sinai
10.31.20 1200PM Sabbath Class_The Wilderness!!!
11.07.20 1100AM Sabbath Class_Our Redemption
11.14.20 1100AM Sabbath Class_Jews, Greeks, Gentiles, and the Mission of the Disciples!
11.21.20 1200PM Sabbath Class_Fear No Evil
11.28.20 1200PM Sabbath Class_The Feast of Dedication
11.29.20 1230PM Sabbath Class_The Feast of Dedication Part 2
12.06.20 1100AM Sabbath Class_Lessons_The Close of the Feast of Dedication & Behemoth and Leviathan
12.12.20 1200PM Sabbath Class_The Battle of the Spirit!
12.19.20 1100AM Sabbath Class_Heresy and the Spirit Behind it