Our Core Beliefs:

Peace and Blessings Brothers and Sisters, in the Name of our Holy Redeemer, YASHAI (יָשַׁע - pronounced: Ya-Shy); the Anointed Son of the Most HIGH Power and Savior to those who believe. With this great journey that we’re on, we would like to share our Core Beliefs with you!

     We Believe and Trust in the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, AHHAYAH AHSHAR AHHAYAH (I AM THAT I AM – Exodus 3:13-15), the Mighty KING and HOLY One of Israel, the GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; His Words are PURE and TRUE!!! All the Eternal Praise, Honor, and Glory unto Him!!!

We believe in the Credo of our GOD - Deuteronomy 6:4

(Hear O Israel, the LORD our GOD is ONE LORD!)

(Hear O Israel, AHHAYAH our POWER is ONE AHHAYAH!)

Ancient Hebrew Transliteration:


     We believe in all His Words: Laws/Commandments, Judgments, Testimonies, Prophecies, and His Promises!!! His Word is Pure and True!!!

     We believe in His beloved Son YASHAI (SAVIOR) as the scripture has said! He’s the Holy Redeemer/the Anointed SAVIOR (Ha-Mashayach YASHAI) who died for our sins and was resurrected by the HOLY Father, AHHAYAH (I AM), the GOD of Hosts!

     We believe Yashai is His Name (יָשַׁע - pronounced: Ya-Shy) – Meaning Savior! He is the Anointed One to Save (to give Salvation)! This Name was given to Him before everything was created (1st Enoch 48:2-7)!!! (Acts 4:12) “Neither is there Salvation in any other: for there is none other Name under heaven given among men, whereby we Must be Saved.” (Matthew 1:21) “And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call His Name JESUS SAVIOR (YASHAI): for He shall SAVE His people from their sins.” All Praises to the ALMIGHTY for His Perfect Plan! Our Savior (Yashai-nawa) was given the Titled Name of His Purpose/Duty!!! Acts 4:12 is telling us that Salvation is not in any other man Nor was any man given the Name SAVIOR (YASHAI) under heaven (in the earth), but to this Anointed Son of Man/Son of GOD - Philippians 2:9 states, “Wherefore God also hath Highly exalted Him, and given Him a Name which is above every name:”!!!

We believe that our Holy Redeemer (The Anointed Savior = Ha-Mashayach Yashai) who is also the image of the invisible GOD, came to earth in the Name of the Most HIGH GOD AHHAYAH!!! John 5:43 - I am come in My Father's Name (I AM SAVIOR = AHHAYAH YASHAI), and ye receive Me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. Ha-Mashayach (The Anointed) tells us that He came in the Most HIGH’s HOLY NAME! - Exodus 3:14 - And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and He said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you. Here, the Most HIGH gave the Prophet Moses His HOLY Name to give to the nation of Israel. His HOLY NAME in the Holy Hebrew Language is: אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה meaning AHHAYAH AHSHAR AHHAYAH - Exodus 3:15 - …this is My Name For ever, … Shown Below are examples of the Name of the Most HIGH GOD in different translative forms.

Ancient Hebrew            Hebrew Transliteration          English Translation

(אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה = AHHAYAH AHSHAR AHHAYAH = I AM THAT I AM)!!!


The 1st part of His HOLY Name is the first letter of the Hebrew Alphabet AH (#H505) – Meaning: First Letter, I, Power, Leader, & Strength and the 2nd part of His HOLY Name is HAYAH (#H1961) – Meaning: To Exist, To Be (I Exist = I Be = I AM = AHHAYAH); He’s the Existing Eternal GOD & KING which Exists in His creation – The First & the Last. The 3rd part of His HOLY Name is AHSHAR (#H834) Meaning: A primitive relative Pronoun pertaining to gender - That, Who, Which, What - Isaiah 43:3 - For I am the LORD thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy SaviorThe Most HIGH is making it known that He’s the Ultimate Savior (Yashai = H3467) of Israel. - John 8:58 - Yashai said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I AM (#H1961)This verse is showing us that Yashai had referenced the Most HIGH’s Name. Also, Yashai is telling us that He Existed before Abraham came to be in the spirit as well as the flesh; He is the first begotten (Col. 1:15 & Rev. 1:5); He was there in the beginning with the HOLY Father and the Holy Spirit (1st John 5:7)! Additional Scriptures to study: John 8:57-58; John 5:43; Exodus 3:13-15; Luke 1:47; Luke 2:11, Acts 5:31, Jude 1:24-25, Isaiah 43:3 & Exodus 23:20-21.

We believe in the HOLY SPIRIT (QADASH RAWACH - Pronounced: Quad-Ash Raw-Wakk)! She is our guide who taught us to Fear (Love & Respect) our HOLY Father. Her name is WISDOM (CHAAKAMAH - Pronounced: Kkaa-Ka-Maw)! She is also known as The Comforter, The Spirit of Truth, and The Spirit of Power! The Holy Spirit is here for all of us to gain Wisdom and Understanding on how to conduct ourselves in life Righteously!!! She’s the Perfect Gift given unto us to bring the TRUTH back to our memory in order to serve and please the HOLY Father, AHHAYAH (I AM)! Wisdom of Solomon (Apocrypha) 7:25 “For She is the Breath of the Power of GOD, and the Pure Influence flowing from the Glory of the Almighty: Therefore, can no defiled thing fall into Her!!!” & Luke 7:35 “Wisdom is justified of all Her children!” (Additional Scriptures regarding the Holy Spirit for your Studies: Proverbs 8, Ecclesiasticus/Sirach (Apocrypha) chapter 15, and Wisdom of Solomon (Apocrypha) chapters 7, 8, 9, 10, & 11:1, John 14:26 & John 15:26, Lamentation 1:16, also Luke 7:35) Also, for further in depth, please view “The Holy Spirit” from the “The Godhead” category.

We believe in water Baptism (Purification); to be fully submerged in living water! Also to be Baptized in the Names of the Godhead as our Savior has said (Matt. 28:19), “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father (AHHAYAH=I AM), and of the Son (YASHAI=SAVIOR), and of the Holy Spirit (CHAAKAMAH=WISDOM):Scriptural References: (Ephesians 4:5; Matthew 3:13-17; Matthew 28:19; Hebrews 6:1-2; Acts 10:47-48; John 3:22; John 4:1-2; Acts 2:38; John 3:5!) - ***Baptism in the Old Testament: Exodus 14:21-22 (Precept: 1st Corinthians 10:1-2); Genesis 7:10-12 & verses 17-20 & 24 (Precept: 1st Peter 3:20-21; and Isaiah 1:16)!***


   We believe the day starts when the sun rises, and we believe what constitutes a day is from Sunrise to Sunset; (12hrs of daylight/Day & 12hrs of darkness/Night which equals 24hrs for a whole day cycle - John 11:9-10)! It is proven throughout the Scriptures that a new day starts in the morning (Scriptural references below)! This is also based on the HOLY Father’s perfect order of the masculine and feminine spirits with the masculine being the head (first); from Himself to His creation (Ex: GOD, Christ, man, woman). The luminaries are no exception; the sun is a male spirit while the moon is a feminine spirit. The moon (female) follows the sun in its order (course) which means the sun starts off the order by being first and a male; daylight comes before darkness and darkness follows after daylight. The sun and moon are a pair just like the man and the woman (male & female). Please read the provided Scriptures for your studies: 1st Book of Enoch 72:2&4 (the Sun) and 1st Book of Enoch 73:4&7 (the Moon) & chapter 41:5-9; The Ancient Book of Jubilees 2:8-10; Genesis 1:16-18; Ezekiel 46:1-2; Jonah 4:7; Numbers 28:3-4; Genesis 19:34; Mark 4:35; Exodus 16:19-30; 1st Samuel 19:11; 1st Samuel 20:18 & v27; Leviticus 7:15-17; Exodus 34:25; John 11:9-10; Matthew 27:62; Mark 15:42; Matthew 27:57-62; Deuteronomy 21:22-23; Malachi 1:11; Acts 4:3-5!

We believe Faith without Works is dead, so we’re here to preach the True Gospel (The Whole Truth) to His chosen people first as the Messiah (ha-Mashayach) had commanded in Matthew 10:5-7! He also commanded in Matthew 28:16-20 to teach all the nations (Gentiles) the Truth including the Kingdom of Heaven and Baptizing them!

    We believe that our Savior (Yashai-nawa), the Anointed One (ha-Mashayach Ahchaad) will Return to be our King to reign in Zion (The New Jerusalem) for a thousand years!

We believe the 12 Tribes of Israel were scattered amongst the Gentiles by the HOLY Father in all 4 corners of the earth due to Tremendous Disobedience in His Holy land. Without a shadow of a doubt, the curses in Deuteronomy 28 absolutely fits His Chosen people (His Saints - Psalm 50:5). Over the years, through the many captivities including the current ones today by way of the Atlantic Slave Trade (Deu. 28:68), the Hebrew Israelites had lost their identity (lost sheep) based on the traditions of the slave masters which were then passed down to their children and children’s children to this day. The Most HIGH GOD is now gathering His remnant (His Elect/His Saints) back to Himself and to Zion because He made a promise to their forefathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give their children the inheritance of the Holy land of (Canaan) Israel His Word is BondNever VoidHe Change Not. Due to the disobedience of their ancestors, the Israelites were lost all these years not knowing who their GOD was/is and the Covenants they made with Him (Hosea 4:6); this brought on the curse of judgment upon each generation everywhere they dwelt (lived) (Leviticus 26 & Deuteronomy 28), so Israel’s loss of self (Jeremiah 17:4) in the land of their captivity (then & now) were and are subject to bywords, and that’s any name other than the Children of Israel and the names of their Tribes. Here are some of those bywords that were given: Minority, Niger aka Nigger aka Negro aka Black, Christian, Gentile, Ham for an Hamite, Colored, Boy, Coon, Monkey, Tar-Baby, African American, Native American, Redskin, Indian aka Savage, Latino & Latina, Spics, Wetbacks & phrases like Angry black man & Angry Black woman, Tend to be Violent, a Bad influence, Inferior Race to name a few - (Deut. 28:37, 1st Kings 9:7, Psalm 44:14). Furthermore, some of the children of Israel are still wandering sheep to this day while their shepherds make merchandise of them because they are dead to the Knowledge of GOD (The Valley of The Dry Bones: Ezekiel 37 & Being ignorant of GOD’s Righteousness: Romans 10:1-4 & Isaiah 51:7), so we Must share the knowledge of His TRUTH to our brothers and sisters in order to help them get back to the HOLY Father and get the blessings that He promised as well as being an example (a light) unto the Gentile nations.

This Great awakening of His TRUTH is upon those who have ears to hear!!!

***And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our Salvation nearer than when we believed (Roman 13:11)!!!***

Bless our KING’s HOLY Name AHHAYAH AHSHAR AHHAYAH from Everlasting to Everlasting; and may He be Magnified Today and Forevermore. Ahman! (Amen=So Be It!)